Providing practical legal advice and services
Corporate Entity Formation/Registration - Forming and registering a business as a distinct legal entity is a necessity. Creating a corporation, LLC, partnership, or other entity type can protect you against personal liability, grants certain tax benefits, and can add value to the business itself. We can help you decide which entity type is best for your growing business.
Trademark Registration – Protecting a business' name is of utmost importance for ALL businesses. Additionally, you want to make sure other parties don't use your name without permission. We can register your business name as a trademark which not only protects your name, but grants you multiple other benefits.
Contract Review - Small and medium businesses enter into countless agreements each year - leases, vendor agreements, sales agreements, licensing agreements. We can review your contract and let you know the details you need to know including what terms are beneficial, what terms are detrimental, and what terms are unusual.
Litigation - The fact of the matter is, nearly all businesses face litigation at some point, either on the Plaintiff or Defendant side. We can work with you to develop a litigation strategy and position in order to maximize your chances in court.
Debt Collection - Every penny counts. So, if a party owes your business money, it's important to retrieve that lost capital. We have multiple methods to retrieve assets that belong to you.
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